Download RPG Toram Online v3.1.27 APK + OBB for Android - Fast Download

Features of RPG Toram Online v3.1.27 APK + OBB for Android

Create Your Own Characters!
  • You have more than 50 billion dress patterns! "This MMORPG doesn't have a ""Class System"".
  • You can build your character as you like with ""Skill System""."
  • Also, you will be able to customize your weapon abilities!
Enjoy the Game with Your Friends!
  • You can play this game communicating with multiple players online.
  • Cooperate with each other and defeat fierce monsters!
  • Explore the massive vast 3D world with your friends!
Game Story
  • Hundreds of years ago, the ground was split by the cataclysm all of a sudden.
  • The gods hastily joined the grounds, however, the world looks like awkwardly patched.
  • Since the nations were destroyed, people are divided into four groups regardless of race.

Screenshot of RPG Toram Online v3.1.27 APK + OBB for Android

Detail and Information of RPG Toram Online v3.1.27 APK + OBB for Android

Version      : RPG Toram Online v3.1.27                                                                      Requires   : Android 4.4 and +
File Size     : 36.2 Mb (APK) & 60.0 (OBB)                                                                    Update      : November 20, 2017
Author        : Asobimo, Inc                                                                                                  Category  : Role-Playing

Download RPG Toram Online v3.1.27 APK + OBB for Android | APK
Drop Apk | Solidfiles |

Download RPG Toram Online v3.1.27 APK + OBB for Android | OBB
 | Drop Apk |

Cara menginstal Game ini untuk Android
1. Tempatkan file APK di SDcard atau memori internal ponsel Anda (lebih disukai SDcard eksternal).
2. Jelajahi memori telepon / memori eksternal Anda dan ketuk file APK.
3.Klik ‘pasang’
4.Tunggu APK untuk menginstal.
5. Salin folder OBB ke SDCard, mis: SDCARD / Android / obb / com.asibimo.toramonline / obb_filename *
Catatan: Unduh dan simpan file apk ke kartu SD Android Phone Anda dan instal secara manual di perangkat Android.
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